Monday, 4 June 2012

My Mum is sooo cool ... happy birthday for today!

My Mum is soooooo cooooool. 

How many women in their 60's do you know who are building websites themselves? Using dreamweaver I may add, not a free programme like this one [that I use for this blog!].

She is building her second website and getting a real taste for it! She started with a site for her organisation - the "Medway dyslexia Association":  and her latest creation for "British Flora" will be going live shortly. 

When you take a look at the Forrester social technographics data about +55's and their desire to be "creators" online my Mum is pretty unique!! And she is older than that group.

Not only does she build websites but volunteers her time for organisations, committees and causes that she is passionate about ... dyslexia and gardening!! She teaches young children ways of coping with dyslexia and helps them get the best out of themselves - with some going on to University and thriving in creative roles. She should feel very proud of herself.

Above is a picture of my Mum with my nephew - making cakes together. Doesn't she look great for her age! BTW how did she manage to keep that kitchen spotless during that activity!

Mum ... you are the coolest ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY for today. Enjoy yourself and I hope you get spoilt rotten, by Dad in particular.

Love Claire

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