Wednesday, 5 November 2008

GB athletes hit by funding cuts - support for winners only

20% of top athletes in the UK have just lost their funding to help them achieve their sporting goals. Now only 33 athletes in the UK recieve lottery funding.

Funding of athletes (sporters) can hardly be described as huge sums of money:
  • top level of funding of £25,383 per year

  • 2nd tier funding £19,000 per year

  • 3rd tier of funding which is £12,600 per year
But enough to ensure that the top sporters can enter international events and climb the international rankings even further. It is a blow when this is taken away.

The selection was made on those athletes who are more likely to deliver success in the world championships and then the London2012 games. Effectively only supporting those sporters who are guaranteed success. Like the saying goes "you need money to make money", "you only get support if you are good enough", which leaves the less well off and the current lower achievers out in the dark, it does not then take into consideration the potential achievements of those current lower achievers ie. upcoming talent. If talent then goes without funding and support, this group will find it more difficult to make it to the top, therefore this short term strategy of only backing the sure winners is only going to pay divends in the short term not the long term.

For those athletes that do not fall into the top 3 tiers they have to find other means of funding their sporting ambitions and goals - this is why sponsors and a support network are so important to these sporters. offers sporters the opportunity to form virtual multidisciplinary teams of individual sporters, and promote themselves to potential sponsors. Forming virtual multicisciplinary teams can make individual sporters more attractive to potential sponsors. It is free to register, create your team and invite your team members. Sponsors can also register for free and check out the teams who are promoting themselves.

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