Sunday, 22 June 2008

Learning from e-sporters members - refining the site's proposition to suit a niche target audience

Despite the fact there are not that many members on the site yet, I have been learning from them over the last few months, asking questions and listening, doing more competitive analysis, and have been rethinking the site's proposition and true target audience to find its market niche.

Over the next 2 months the site will be adapted to focus on people who are serious about sport, who define themselves as “sporters” and need to improve their support network to achieve their sporting goals. And as such the site will attract the companies and individuals who support the sporters in their endevours.

The site should be compared with as it will be focused on the business of sport and improving the support network of sporters, ie. sporters finding sponsors, teams finding a new coach, trainers finding a promising junior to train up to professional level, sports marketing companies finding the next big media magnet, sports event companies finding sports facilities companies to work with, sporters finding companies with the next big technology breakthrough etc.

But I am off now for a well deserved vacation, camping and mountain biking for 2.5 weeks in the Le Lot in France. There are some great spots for mountain biking, fun long winding downhills, but not too challenging uphills, I will load some the pictures when I get back.

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