Sunday, 27 January 2008

Ready for prime time

Thanks a million to those friends and family members who have been to my site in the last 2 weeks since Beta launch and registered and given me feedback so far. I have had some very constructive comments about the site so far which has enabled me to change it to adapt the target audience even better. Please keep those comments coming in.

On my site ( now you will find a more obvious registration process, search highlighted and all the dating elements of the site have been removed and replaced wtih more sports related content in which to search on and enable sporters to find more even better what they are looking for.
The most important improvement I made was to ensure that the site was secure for minors (less than 18years of age.) I will cover this is more detail in another blog posting.
So the site is ready for prime time and I am in a position to start promoting the site big time.

But first a quick visit to Brasil to see my sister Steph, my brother-in-law and my nephew!.

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